
how to check google rank: there are some free SEO Tools where you can check google ranking position free

google ranking

You must be getting some idea from the name itself that in this we optimize our website according to the search engine. And you have to understand the meaning of search engine as Google, I have already told you this. Meaning in simple language, we have to optimize our website according to Google’s Ranking Factors and SEO Factors, which increases the ranking of the website. And when the website ranks on the first page, organic traffic will also start coming to the site.

Why is Google rank important for a website?

If we consider this as an example, if you have a shop, but if no customer comes and you do not sell even a single item, then will there be any benefit in having a shop? Your answer would be, not at all. In the same way, when you create a website and work on it, what will be your main objective, not only those visitors come to your website, many people come and see your blog. But if no visitors come then will you be able to get any benefit from your website? not at all.

Which is best SEO tool?

Google Search Console

Search Console is a free Google SEO tools. This is a very best tool especially for those people who are only looking for Google SEO tools. By the way, you can do SEO very well by using Search Console. Once you know how to use Google Search Console, you will not need any free keyword research tool. Because it is All in SEO Tools. Google Search Console not only gives you the facility to crawl your website but you can do many more things in it. Let’s see which features come in Google Search Console.

Google Analytics

Although we cannot count Google Analytics among the best seo tool for small business because it is not an SEO tool, but without it your SEO is incomplete. It tells you everything about your website, with the help of which you can understand where your users come from and which topics they like to read. That is why Google Analytics is also counted among the Best Free Seo Tools In Hindi and it is free google seo tools. Google Analytics gives you many facilities using which you can improve the ranking of your website. You can know the behaviour of your audience. Goal can be defined. You can set targets and much more.


WooRank is also a best free SEO tool that provides an in-depth SEO report for any website. provides many SEO tips for your website to rank higher in Google search results. In this also you will get many options with the help of which you can easily find the issues of your website. And at the same time, they can also be corrected.


Till date I have not seen a better Best Free SEO Tools than this. This tool launched by Neil Patel helps a lot in increasing the traffic of your blog. You get many features in this. And the best thing is that if you face any problem, you can email Neil or comment on YouTube and you always get a reply from Neil Patel. I have been using Ubersuggest Tool for the last 1 year and due to this my traffic has increased a lot. That’s why I can say that Ubersuggest Tool is one of the best free SEO tools.

Answer The Public

This is a free SEO tool which we use for Keyword Research and it is a very amazing SEO tool. With its help, you can do keyword research for your website or blog very easily. In The Public SEO Tools, you will find different types of Intent-Based keywords. This is a best free keyword research tool which shows you many results of the same keywords. The most special thing about this tool is that it targets question type keywords.

Rank Math

You must be surprised to hear the name of Rank Math in the list of Best Free Seo Tools In Hindi, but this is the best SEO plugin with the help of which we can do SEO of our blog well. 15 Best WordPress Plugins Every Blog Should Have Rank Math is the best SEO plugin for WordPress blog. Earlier people used Yoast SEO Plugins. With the help of this plugin.

you can write SEO friendly content. Yoast is also a very good plugin but it has very few features in its free plan, whereas in Rank Math you get a lot of features in the free plugins itself, with the help of which you can do SEO of your blog very well. The interface of Rank Math is user friendly which is easily understood by all people. With its help you can automatically submit your site to Webmaster Tool. 404 Monitor and Advanced Redirection is available which helps you to resolve 404 Error. You can edit and change title and description in bulk.


How do I check my SEO score on Google?

Google doesn’t provide a specific “SEO score.” However, you can assess your website’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Search Console, and third-party SEO tools such as Moz, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. These tools analyze various factors affecting your site’s SEO and provide insights and recommendations to improve its performance.

How do I track my SEO ranking?

You can track your SEO ranking using tools like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, or third-party tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz. These tools allow you to monitor keyword rankings, track changes over time, and gain insights into your website’s visibility on search engines.

What is the most accurate SEO tool?

There isn’t a single “most accurate” SEO tool, as accuracy can vary based on specific metrics and algorithms. Popular and reliable tools include SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. Combining insights from multiple tools and cross-referencing data can provide a more comprehensive view of your website’s SEO performance.


Sam Anderson

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