
Save your Life by Knowing First Aid for Heart Attack

Heart attack first aid

When you are feeling discomfort and heavy pain or pressure on your chest, then we normally assume that you are probably having a gastrointestinal problem. But, 3 out of 5 cases in this situation are related to a heart attack. If the signs of heart attack are recognized early and proper first aid is provided to the patient, then severe heart attack can be easily cured. If you are feeling any of the following symptoms, then you need to perform first aid for a heart attack instantly –

  • Heavily nauseated
  • Feeling dizziness, light headache, or faintness
  • Sweating furiously
  • Discomfort in the chest area or experiencing intense pressure or pain in the middle of the chest.
  • Shallow breathing
  • Uncomfortable pain spreading through the arm, shoulder, neck, upper arm, jaw, or sometimes in the abdomen

First Aid of Heart Attack 

If you or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms of heart attack for more than 15 minutes, then it’s time to take them to the hospital, meanwhile, you can reduce the effects of heart attack by performing the following first aid activities –

Call Ambulance – If you are alone or you don’t have anyone around you to take you to the hospital, then don’t try to drive yourself to the hospital. By driving, you might increase the pressure on your heart and your attempt can hurt other people as well. So, when you are experiencing heart attack symptoms, then immediately call the emergency helpline number and call an ambulance to take you to the hospital. Don’t wait up any longer as your wait will make the situation even worse.

Chew AspirinThe best way to treat heart attacks at home would be chewing aspirin medicine. This will liquidate your thick blood vessels and control heart attacks quickly. However, if you are allergic to aspirin or your doctor has recommended you to not take aspirin, then you should not try it. Otherwise, you can easily take it.

Take Nitroglycerin – If you are already diagnosed with heart problems, then your doctor might have prescribed you nitroglycerin so immediately take it as prescribed by your physician. You should always take nitroglycerin prescribed by your doctor because it will be of the right dosage that your body needs. Never try unprescribed nitroglycerin.

Perform CPR – If a patient has gone unconscious due to the impact of a heart attack, then you should try to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient. However, if you are not trained to perform CPR, then you should wait for immediate medical help and try to add compression to the chest area. In the absence of formal CPR training, doctors recommend performing only chest compressions (about 100 to 120 compressions a minute). The dispatcher can instruct you in the proper procedures until help arrives.

Hook to AED – It is a very rare case that you have access to an automated external defibrillator machine, but if you have, then you need to immediately hook the patient with it and try to smooth his blood flow. y

Just Relax – Once you have called the emergency services, then you need to sit down and try to relax. Don’t panic or think of anything worse as by doing this you will make the situation harder for yourself only. So, just concentrate on your breathing and don’t tire yourself by moving.

Loose Clothes – It is advised to immediately loosen up your tight clothes when you are feeling uncomfortable. Like, loose up, your tie, rolling your sleeves, and unbuttoning a couple of buttons on your shirt. It will help you in relaxing your tight muscles and give you some room to breathe properly.

Okay, so folks don’t ignore minor chest pains as they can result in something very serious. Thus, whenever you experience heart attack symptoms, then immediately perform first aid action and call your doctor.


Sam Anderson

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